Seamless way to grow profits

drivenby ezpass

Transform Your Business with PayByCar:

  • On Arrival Identification: Customer Intelligence
  • Increase Loyalty: Strengthen customer retention.
  • Cut Costs: Lower operational expenses.
  • Versatile Integration: For gas, parking, drive-thrus, and more.

Discover the power of in-vehicle payment with PayByCar.
Contact us to unlock these benefits now.

Seamles way to grow profits

65 Million U.S. vehicles are on the road with toll transponders.

Thousands pass through your gas station or drive-through daily, weekly, monthly.
Why not harness that fact and give customers an easy way to pay while on-the-go?

PayByCar uses sms technology, used by 97% of people daily, giving customers a seamless way to pay-by-text. And, you can interact with those thousands of customers, personalizing your marketing and understanding you customers like never before.

PayByCar boosted repeat visits by 117% during 180 day test
in Massachusetts.

5 Ways Retailers Benefit with PayByCar

  • Customer Loyalty.

    Boost your Loyalty program.

  • On Arrival Identification.

    Customer communication when it matters most.

  • Speed.

    Cut throughput in half.

  • Safety.

    Give customers a touchfree,
    secure way to pay.

  • Profit.

    Increase your market share.

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